Tag: prayer young crowd


    A wonderful wedding - 15.09.2019 by Frank The kingdom of heaven is like a king, who was preparing his son's wedding. […]


    Peace like a river - 29.08.2019 by Frank Lauermann “HE is our peace.” Ephesians letter 2, 14 Our river is approx. 800 m […]


    Pure joy - 28.08.2019 by Frank Lauermann “Rejoice in the Lord at all times! I say again: Rejoice!!” Philipp 4, […]


    My silent desire - 26.08.2019 by Frank Lauermann The LORD is my shepherd,I will miss nothing. …HE satisfies my desires … Psalm […]


    Visitor is coming! – 25.08.2019 by Frank Lauermann “Through the merciful love of our God, the shining light from on high will visit us,to everyone […]


    Concrete belief, concrete prayer - 24.08.2019 by Frank Lauermann Jesus says about the healed leper:Your faith has helped you. Lukas 17, 19 The […]


    The past - 23.08.2019 by Frank Lauermann “I forget, what's behind me, and reach out for that, what in front of me […]


    God sees me - 22.08.2019 by Frank Lauermann “Shouldn't he hear,who planted the ear,shouldn't he see,who shaped the eye […]


    LORD over forces of nature - 21.08.2019 by Frank Lauermann But they asked each other in horror and amazement: What kind of a person is that, […]


    His presence - 20.08.2019 from Frank Lauermann's father, I want, that all, that you gave me, are there with me, Where […]