HERR, Show me, what your orders mean! I want to pay attention to them, as long as I live. give me insight, so that I may obey your law and obey it with all my heart!

    Psalm 119, 33 and 34

    April 2023

    First and foremost, we are very grateful for God's great love. As well as, because he continues to watch over us and protect us all. This month has been quite a challenge for us, as the problem of extreme poverty is increasing and students need glasses, in order to continue their studies. This month a family lost their home in a fire. Five children and a single mother lost everything, but they have already got school things for all their children.

    Jetzt geht es darum, to help them build a new house. we are looking for friends, who help this family, so we can show the love of the Lord.

    We also have a mother with three daughters, that we could support, because she lost her job. We were also able to talk to the students in the classrooms about Jesus and his great love for all of us. We want to thank God for you and all your support.

    burned house

    So the house of this family of six was abandoned and we want to see, how we can support them. We were there and also brought food for them. We are thinking about, how the Lord can bring us to it, to support them.

    Fernando in front of the burned house
    Grocery package April 2023
    Basic foods April 2023
    Boy at the optician in April 2023


    We were able to bring food to different families.

    More students, who go to church in their community and bring others with them.

    Support or encourage educators of other faiths in their task, to serve young people!

    prayer requests:

    For students, who feel lonely, because they live with their grandmothers and miss their parents.

    We have students, the one with suicide, struggle with violence and homosexuality. May God touch her, when they are struggling with emotional poverty and their personality.

    Best regards

    Fernando Bolanos G.